The 3rd meeting of the Erasmus + funded project “ACT now” took place at Univerzitetni KliniKa Center in Ljubljana, Slovenia on 30-31 August 2019.

The 3rd meeting of the Erasmus + funded project “ACT now” took placeat Univerzitetni KliniKa Center in Ljubljana, Slovenia on 30-31 August2019. The partners from Estonia, Cyprus, Greece, Romania and Sloveniawere trained in the ACT training program, presented by the partnersfrom United Kingdom. Additionally, they have been accustomed to theuse of the Trainees’ workbook in.

Three pilot courses for Acceptance and Commitment Training (ACT) for Health Care Professionals in Thessaloniki, Greece

On December 14th, 21st, and 23rd, 2019, three pilot courses for Acceptance and Commitment Training (ACT) took place in Thessaloniki, Greece. 42 health care professionals, residents at Papageorgiou General Hospital, coming from various specialties, (plastic surgeons, nurses, dermatologists, dieticians, students, dentists, pediatrics and pediatrics surgeons, orthopedics, maxillofacial surgeons, etc.) participated in each of a one-day.