The multiplier event of the ACT Now project was held on October 30th, 2020, at Neapolis University Pafos’ premises. Thirty-five (35) participants attended the four-hour event where the ACT Now training material was presented. The presentation was interactive and enriched the dissemination of the ACT Now project as participants were able to ask questions, reflect.
The multiplier event of the ACT Now project was held on October 20, 2020, via “Zoom” teleconference platform due to Covid-19 pandemic limitations and restricted measures. Seventy one (71) participants attended the three-hour event where the ACT Now training material was presented. The presentation was interactive and enriched the dissemination of ACT Now project as.
The multiplier event of ACT NOW project was held on December 22, 2020 at University medical center Ljubljana – at Dental Clinic. Because of pandemic unfortunately the event was organized via Webex platform. There were 33 participants online, including doctors, psychologists, teachers at faculty of medicine, , nurses, students of medical faculty, students of dental.
On September 21st 2020, Emergency Clinical Hospital for Children “Marie S. Curie” representatives in ACT Now project laid on the Multiplier Event. Because of the COVID-19 pandemics regulations in Romania, the event couldn’t be hosted live, therefore it was delivered via ZOOM platform to the doctors and students of the University and Pharmacy “Carol Davila”.
On 25th February 2020, UK project partners Heidi Williamson and Fabio Zucchelli from UWE Bristol delivered ACT Now to a group of 12 UK health professionals and charity workers, all of whom support people who have conditions that affect their appearance. The trainees were all members of organisations that belong to the Appearance Collective, a.
Act Now was announced at the interdisciplinary scientific information day ” Congenital Craniofacial Malformations:crossroad of partnerships ” which was held on the 19th February 2020 at the premises of the Papageorgiou General Hospital, Thessaloniki. Vasiliki Holeva, presented the project to 65 healthcare professionals who welcomed the ACT NOW “toolkit” as they were eager to help.
Representatives from Kristianstad University attended a collaboration meeting at Faculty of Nursing, University of Colombo. As part of the meeting, Martin Persson presented several Erasmus + project to 21 healthcare professionals and teachers. Act Now was presented in how you can take an established psychological method and via European collaborations, generate a functional training program.
The 4th meeting of the project “ACT Now” took place in Tartu Ulikool, Estonia on January 17, 2020. Partners from Estonia, Greece, Cyprus and Romania presented the pilot training results and feedback from their organization. A total of 142 trainees received the training in 5 different countries and according to their post kap results a.
On 11th of January 2020, the Pilot Study of the ACT Now Project (A training program development for healthcare professionals to use the principles of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) to facilitate patient adjustment to the challenges of living with a visible difference) was conducted in Cyprus. The event was supported and advertised via social.
On 10.01.2020 a pilot training for Acceptance and Commitment Training (ACT) took place in Tartu, Estonia. The training attracted 28 participants with a diverse professional background. Many of them were family doctors and nurses who were facing patients with a visible difference in their daily practice. They found the course was comprehensive and easy to.
“Marie S. Curie” Emergency Clinical Hospital for Children in Bucharest was the host of pilot course in the Acceptance and Commitment Training. Trainers – pediatric surgeons from the same hospital – presented the course to 24 health professionals, most of them residents and young specialist doctors from the same hospital coming from areas like pediatrics,.
The Asian conference was held in Khon Kaen in the northern part of Thailand, and it was attended by 475 delegates from 25 countries from various disciplines. Prof Martin Persson was invited keynote to attended and presented at the conference. Martin gave a lecture that focused on the long term outcomes of cleft on a.
The 3rd meeting of the Erasmus + funded project “ACT now” took placeat Univerzitetni KliniKa Center in Ljubljana, Slovenia on 30-31 August2019. The partners from Estonia, Cyprus, Greece, Romania and Sloveniawere trained in the ACT training program, presented by the partnersfrom United Kingdom. Additionally, they have been accustomed to theuse of the Trainees’ workbook in.
On December 14th, 21st, and 23rd, 2019, three pilot courses for Acceptance and Commitment Training (ACT) took place in Thessaloniki, Greece. 42 health care professionals, residents at Papageorgiou General Hospital, coming from various specialties, (plastic surgeons, nurses, dermatologists, dieticians, students, dentists, pediatrics and pediatrics surgeons, orthopedics, maxillofacial surgeons, etc.) participated in each of a one-day.
The second meeting of the EU Erasmus+ funded project “Act Now” was completed at the University of Neapolis in Pafos, Cyprus, on 29 March 2019. The partners from Cyprus, Estonia, Greece, Romania and Slovenia presented the National Analyses and the results of their Surveys. The national surveys were conducted based on a questionnaire developed by.
The EU Erasmus+ funded project “Act Now” kicked off in Thessaloniki, Greece, at the General Hospital “Papageorgiou” on 15 December 2018. The meeting was well attended by the partners from Cyprus, Estonia, Greece, Norway, Romania, Slovenia, Sweden, UK and the European Cleft Organisation (ECO, the Netherlands). The Greek partners presented an overview of the project’s.