Three pilot courses for Acceptance and Commitment Training (ACT) for Health Care Professionals in Thessaloniki, Greece

Three pilot courses for Acceptance and Commitment Training (ACT) for Health Care Professionals in Thessaloniki, Greece

On December 14th, 21st, and 23rd, 2019, three pilot courses for Acceptance and Commitment Training (ACT) took place in Thessaloniki, Greece. 42 health care professionals, residents at Papageorgiou General Hospital, coming from various specialties, (plastic surgeons, nurses, dermatologists, dieticians, students, dentists, pediatrics and pediatrics surgeons, orthopedics, maxillofacial surgeons, etc.) participated in each of a one-day pilot training, in three separated groups of 15 persons. As the participants handle many patients with appearance issues, as well as their need to provide more specific services to them to enhance their adjustment, this was the main motive to attend the training. During the training, they acquainted with the ACT manual as it has developed, step by step, and they got accustomed to the main principles of the ACT approach. A pre and post questionnaire was completed, as feedback to the knowledge they gained, by the trainees, who found it very understandable and pertinent to patients’ difficulties. Participants expressed some hesitations regarding the time management of applying the Act during their daily clinical practice and how they will copy with patients who face more severe psychological difficulties.   

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